Chu K. W.*, Chen J., Yu A. B., (2016). Applicability of a Coarse-grained CFD-DEM Model on Dense Medium Cyclone. Minerals Engineering, 90, 43-54. (Impact Factor = 2.707; Citation Times = 37).
Chu K. W., Yu A. B. *, (2008). Numerical simulation of complex particle-fluid flows. Powder Technology, 179, 104-114. (Impact Factor) = 3.230; CT (Cited Times on “web of science”) = 186) (This was the 2nd most downloaded paper in January – March 2008 and one of the 25 most cited articles during 2008-2013 in the journal).
Chu K. W., Wang B., Yu A. B. *, Vince A., (2009). CFD-DEM modelling of multiphase flow in dense medium cyclones. Powder Technology, 193, 235-247. (Impact Factor = 3.230; Citation Times = 162) (This was the 6th most cited paper since 2009 in the journal and the 6th most downloaded paper in April – June 2009 in the journal).
Chu K. W., Wang B., Yu A. B. *, Xu D. L., Chen Y. X., (2011). CFD-DEM simulation of gas-solid flow in a cyclone separator. Chemical Engineering Science, 66, 834-847. (Impact Factor = 3.306; Citation Times = 149) (This was the 10th most downloaded paper in April – June 2012 and top cited paper for 2011 and 2012 in the journal).
Chu K. W., Wang B., Vince A., Yu A. B. *, Barnett G. D., Barnett P. J., (2009). CFD-DEM study of the effect of particle density distribution on the multiphase flow and performance of dense medium cyclone. Minerals Engineering, 22, 893-909. (Impact Factor = 2.707; Citation Times = 91) (This was the 15th most downloaded paper in July – September 2009 in the journal).
Chu K. W., Yu A. B. *, (2008). Numerical simulation of the gas-solid flow in three-dimensional pneumatic conveying bends. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 47, 7058-7071. (Impact Factor = 3.141; Citation Times = 59).
Chu K. W., Wang B., Vince A., Yu A. B. *, (2012). Computational study of the multiphase flow in a dense medium cyclone: Effect of particle density. Chemical Engineering Science, 73, 123-39. (Impact Factor = 3.306; Citation Times = 46).
Chu K. W., Kuang S. B., Yu A. B. *, Vince A., (2012). Particle scale modelling of the multiphase flow in a dense medium cyclone: Effect of fluctuation of solids flowrate. Minerals Engineering, 33, 34-45. (Impact Factor = 2.707; Citation Times = 30) (This was the 25th most downloaded paper in January – March 2012 in the journal).
Chu K. W. *, Kuang S. B., Yu A. B., Vince A., Barnett G. D., Barnett P. J., (2014). Prediction of wear and its effect on the multiphase flow and separation performance of dense medium cyclone. Minerals Engineering, 56, 91-101. (Impact Factor = 2.707; Citation Times = 29) (This was the 16th most downloaded paper in Jan. - Mar. 2006 in the journal).
Chu K. W., Wang B., Yu A. B. *, Vince A., (2012). Particle scale modelling of the multiphase flow in a dense medium cyclone: Effect of vortex finder outlet pressure. Minerals Engineering, 31, 46-58. (Impact Factor = 2.707; Citation Times = 28) (This was the 17th most downloaded paper in April – June 2012 in the journal).
Chu K. W.*, Chen J., Wang B., Yu A. B., Vince A., (2017). Understand Solids Loading Effects in a Dense Medium Cyclone: Effect of Particle Size by a CFD-DEM Method. Powder Technology, 320, 594-609. (Impact Factor = 3.230; Citation Times = 11).
Chu K. W.*, Chen J., Yu A. B., Williams R., (2017). Numerical studies of multiphase flow and separation performance of natural medium cyclones for recovering waste coal. Powder Technology, 314, 532-541. (Impact Factor = 3.230; Citation Times = 8).
Chu K. W., Wang B., Vince A., Yu A. B. *, (2010). Modelling the multiphase flow in dense medium cyclones. Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows, 2, 249-275. (Impact Factor is N/A; Citation Times = 8).
Chu K. W.*, Yu A. B., (2014). Numerical and experimental investigation of an “S-shaped” circulating fluidized bed. Powder Technology, 254, 460-469. (Impact Factor = 3.230; Citation Times = 4).
Chu K. W.*, Kuang S. B., Zhou Z. Y., Yu A. B., (2018). Model A vs. Model B in the modelling of particle-fluid flow. Powder Technology, 329, 47-54. (Impact Factor = 3.230; Citation Times = 3).
Wahyudi H., Chu K. W.*, Yu A. B., (2016). 3D particle-scale modeling of gas–solids flow and heat transfer in fluidized beds with an immersed tube. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 97, 521-537. (Impact Factor = 3.458; Citation Times = 17).
Wang B., Chu K. W.*, Yu A. B., Vince A., (2014). Computational investigation of the “breakaway” effect in dense medium cyclones. Minerals Engineering, 62, 111-119. (Impact Factor = 2.707; Citation Times = 8).
Ji L., Chu K. W.*, Kuang S., Chen J., Yu A. B. (2018). Modeling the Multiphase Flow in Hydrocyclones Using the Coarse-Grained Volume of Fluid—Discrete Element Method and Mixture-Discrete Element Method Approaches, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 57(29): 9641-9655 (Impact Factor = 3.141; Citation Times = 0).